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Home > News > AMD Introduces Compact, Cost-Effective FPGAs for Automotive Innovations
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AMD Introduces Compact, Cost-Effective FPGAs for Automotive Innovations

AMD Artix FPGA family

AMD has unveiled its new Artix Ultrascale field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), tailored specifically for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and digital cockpits. These automotive-qualified FPGAs combine small size with cost optimization, addressing the crucial demands of modern automotive design. The smallest model, the Artix Ultrascale+ XA AU7P, measures just 9 mm x 9 mm, making it ideal for applications such as cameras and sensors in vehicles.

AMD Artix FPGA family

As ADAS features become standard, the need for reliable, efficient processing solutions intensifies. The Artix Ultrascale XA family supports this demand by allowing designers to upgrade or modify systems on-the-fly, enhancing functionalities and security. With a lifespan of over 15 years and compliance with AEC-Q100 and ISO26262 ASIL-B standards, these FPGAs are built for durability in automotive environments.

Key features include high-speed serial transceivers, optimized data transfer rates of up to 58.0 Gb/s, and advanced security measures like RSA-2048 authentication. This makes the Artix family well-suited for data-intensive applications, ensuring real-time responses for critical systems.


The size of the AMD Artix Ultrascale FPGA compared with a keyfob

The introduction of these compact FPGAs not only enhances ADAS capabilities but also paves the way for smart cameras capable of processing images directly within the camera module, ultimately improving vehicle safety and functionality. This launch strengthens AMD's position in the automotive market, complementing its existing product lines.

Tīpako Reo

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