Mo nga manuhiri i te Electronic 2024
Tuhia to wa inaianei!
Ko nga mea katoa e tika ana he ruarua nga paatene hei rahui i to waahi ka tiki i te tiketi patu
Hall C5 Booth 220
Rēhitatanga whakamua
Mo nga manuhiri i te Electronic 2024
Koe 'reind up up!
Mauruuru koe mo te whakarite i tetahi wa!
Ka tukuna atu e matou nga tiketi pateni ma te imeera kotahi kua whakatauhia e matou to rahui.
Ko enei e whai ake nei ko "38704-4914 " nga hua e pa ana.
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 75CELL 4X3-3/4X1"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: THERMOELECT
Kaihanga: Laird Technologies - Thermal Products
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 50CELL 4X1-3/4X3-1/2"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: ET6,19,F1,4040,TA,RT,W6
Kaihanga: Laird Technologies - Thermal Products
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: ANVIL-COMB
Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: SHEAR BLADE-SPLICE
Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 45CELL 4X5-3/4X1"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 70CELL 4X1-3/4X2-1/4"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: CONN BARRIER STRP 16CIRC 0.325"
Kaihanga: Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: FUSE BRD MNT 250VAC/VDC RAD
Kaihanga: Hamlin / Littelfuse
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 25CELL 4X3-3/4X3-1/2"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 21CELL 4X5-3/4X2-1/4"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: ANVIL-COMB
Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 15CELL 4X5-3/4X3-1/2"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HNDLR ADJ 35CELL 4X3-3/4X2-1/4"
Kaihanga: Desco
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: ET4,3,F1,1515,TA,RT,W4.5
Kaihanga: Laird Technologies - Thermal Products
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: HANDLE BIT HOLDING 1/4" 5.83"
Kaihanga: Wiha
I roto i te taonga
Whakaahuatanga: BUSHING-FRAME
Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga