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Home > Hua > Hononga, Hononga > Nga Puku Utu Terminal > CTJ122E02D-513
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Tena koa whakaoti i nga mara e hiahiatia ana me to korero whakapā.Click "Tukuna RFQ" Ka whakapā atu maatau ki a koe i te imeera.Ranei imeera i a

Te Aatau1 (I nga Utu US)

I roto i te taonga
Uiui Ipurangi
Ngā whakaaturanga
  • Tau Wae
  • Kaihanga / Waitohu
  • Te rahi o te kararehe
    I roto i te taonga
  • Whakaahuatanga
  • Whakahaere Toko Whakahaere / RoHS Tūnga
    Whakahaerehia te kore utu / RoHS
  • Ngā Rauemi
  • Raupapa
  • Ētahi Ingoa
  • Taumata Whakaaro Moe (MSL)
    Not Applicable
  • Te Tae Kaituku Taeke
    20 Weeks
  • Whakahaere Toko Whakahaere / RoHS Tūnga
    Lead free / RoHS Compliant
  • Whakaahuatanga Taipitopito
    Connector Contact Size
CTJ122E01C-513 [V0A1]

CTJ122E01C-513 [V0A1]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E02D-513 [V001]

CTJ122E02D-513 [V001]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga


Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E01C-513 [V003]

CTJ122E01C-513 [V003]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E04F-513 [V0A1]

CTJ122E04F-513 [V0A1]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga


Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E02D-513 [V0A1]

CTJ122E02D-513 [V0A1]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E02D-513 [V003]

CTJ122E02D-513 [V003]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga


Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E04F-513 [V003]

CTJ122E04F-513 [V003]

Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E05E [V003]

CTJ122E05E [V003]

Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E01C [V001]

CTJ122E01C [V001]

Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E05E [V001]

CTJ122E05E [V001]

Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E01C [V003]

CTJ122E01C [V003]

Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ120E06E-513 [V0A1]

CTJ120E06E-513 [V0A1]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E04F-513 [V001]

CTJ122E04F-513 [V001]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga


Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E02D [V001]

CTJ122E02D [V001]

Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E02D [V003]

CTJ122E02D [V003]

Whakaahuatanga: MODULE ASSY

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga
CTJ122E01C-513 [V001]

CTJ122E01C-513 [V001]

Whakaahuatanga: ELEC MODULE

Kaihanga: Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity
I roto i te taonga

Tīpako Reo

Paatohia te waahi kia puta