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Home > Hua > Hononga, Hononga > Nga Terminals - PC Pin Receptors, Socket Connector
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Nga Terminals - PC Pin Receptors, Socket Connector

4,756 Results

Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.666 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .032-.046 SWAGE 0.935 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity CONN PIN RCPT .026-.029 SOLDER 0.217 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .012-.017 SOLDER 0.204 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Preci-Dip CONN PIN RCPT .016-.022 SOLDER 5.24 I roto i te taonga
Preci-Dip CONN PIN RCPT .016-.021 SOLDER 5.173 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .015-.025 SOLDER 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.761 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.695 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.749 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .065-.082 STACK 1.433 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .040-.060 PRESSFIT 0.996 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.665 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 1.034 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.737 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .022-.032 SWAGE 0.757 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.814 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PC PIN CIRC 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .015-.025 SOLDER 0.619 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.735 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Keystone Electronics Corp. CONN PIN RCPT .015-.025 PRESSFIT 0.354 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PC PIN CIRC 0.346 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .048-.064 PRESSFIT 0.325 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity CONN PIN RCPT .025-.035 PRESSFIT 0.235 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Keystone Electronics Corp. CONN PIN RCPT .032-.046 SWAGE 0.728 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 1.054 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.9 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.768 I roto i te taonga
Preci-Dip CONN PIN RCPT .016-.021 SOLDER 1.076 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.607 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .015-.025 PRESSFIT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT .015-.025 PRESSFIT 0.64 I roto i te taonga
Preci-Dip CONN PIN RCPT .016-.021 SOLDER 4.83 I roto i te taonga
Mill-Max CONN PIN RCPT 0.64 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Amphenol FCI CONN PIN RCPT .012-.022 SOLDER - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Keystone Electronics Corp. CONN PIN RCPT .015-.025 PRESSFIT 0.299 I roto i te taonga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Whārangi whārangi : 96

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