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Home > Hua > Kiriata, Oscillators, Resonators > Oscillators
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305,037 Results

Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Energy Micro (Silicon Labs) SINGLE FREQUENCY XO, OE PIN 2 (O 29.838 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
CTS Electronic Components OSC VCXO 16.3840MHZ HCMOS SMD 1.552 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 3225, 50PPM, 2.8V, 4 1.068 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 2520, 25PPM, 2.8V, 1 1.509 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 5032, 25PPM, 2.8V, 3 1.058 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology OSC MEMS 156.2578MHZ HCSL SMD - I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 5032, 10PPM, 1.8V, 1 5.087 I roto i te taonga
TXC Corporation OSC XO 156.25MHZ LVDS SMD 5.346 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS XO 2.0800MHZ ST 1.101 I roto i te taonga
AVX Corporation OSC XO 125.000MHZ CMOS SMD - I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 5032, 25PPM, 2.5V, 7 1.285 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 5032, 50PPM, 3.3V, 7 0.58 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 7050, 50PPM, 2.5V, 7 1.864 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 2520, 25PPM, 2.25V-3 0.962 I roto i te taonga
SiTime OSC MEMS 25.0000MHZ LVCMOS SMD 0.615 I roto i te taonga
IDT (Integrated Device Technology) OSC XO 120.000MHZ HCMOS SMD - I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 2016, 50PPM, 2.25V-3 0.535 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS 27MHZ H/LVCMOS SMD 3.154 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 5032, 10PPM, 2.8V, 5 2.971 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 5032, 50PPM, 1.8V, 1 2.313 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC 250MHZ 3.3V LVDS SMD 7.66 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 5032, 25PPM, 3.3V, 2 0.676 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 7050, 20PPM, 3.3V, 1 3.736 I roto i te taonga
SiTime OSC MEMS 27.0000MHZ LVCMOS SMD 1.535 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS XO 22.0000MHZ OE 1.03 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 2016, 25PPM, 2.8V, 2 0.586 I roto i te taonga
Epson OSC XO 25MHZ CMOS SMD 2.135 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS XO 22.5792MHZ OE 1.366 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 7050, 25PPM, 2.5V, 3 0.699 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC 122.88MHZ 1.8V HCSL SMD 6.278 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 7050, 20PPM, 3.3V, 1 2.05 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 5032, 25PPM, 1.8V, 7 1.058 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 2520, 25PPM, 2.8V, 2 0.669 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 3225, 10PPM, 2.8V, 1 2.614 I roto i te taonga
SiTime OSC MEMS 66.0000MHZ LVCMOS SMD 0.705 I roto i te taonga
SiTime OSC MEMS 25.0000MHZ LVCMOS SMD 1.071 I roto i te taonga
ECS Inc. International OSC XO 150.0000MHZ HCMOS SMD 3.903 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS 14.7456MHZ CMOS SMD 2.225 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 7050, 50PPM, 3.3V, 1 1.652 I roto i te taonga
Energy Micro (Silicon Labs) SINGLE FREQUENCY XO, OE PIN 1 5.308 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 3225, 10PPM, 2.8V, 3 3.043 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 3225, 20PPM, 3.0V, 7 0.615 I roto i te taonga
TXC Corporation OSC XO 22.5792MHZ CMOS SMD 1.134 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS 20.000MHZ CMOS SMD 0.826 I roto i te taonga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS XO 31.2500MHZ ST 1.156 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 3225, 10PPM, 2.5V, 1 2.069 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 2520, 50PPM, 2.5V, 3 0.993 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -40 TO 85C, 7050, 10PPM, 3.3V, 1 2.339 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Abracon Corporation OSC MEMS XO 3.5700MHZ ST 1.101 I roto i te taonga
SiTime -20 TO 70C, 5032, 25PPM, 2.5V, 6 1.185 I roto i te taonga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Whārangi whārangi : 6101

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