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Home > Hua > Ngā Rorohiko Whakauru > Poari Poari Whaimana (SBCs)
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Poari Poari Whaimana (SBCs)

1,369 Results

Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Advantech CIRC BRD MINIITX SOC 344.47 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTEL CELERON N2930 3.5" SBC 412.3 I roto i te taonga
Advantech PC/104+ SBC WITH INTEL ATOM 309.89 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTEL ATOM N2800 COM EXPRESS COM 436.24 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTEL CORE I5-4300U 1.9GHZ -2 993.51 I roto i te taonga
Advantech FANLESS PC ATOM N2600 1.6GHZ - I roto i te taonga
TechNexion MOD EDM TYPE2 I.MX6 QUAD BTOOTH - I roto i te taonga
Advantech ATX SOCKET LGA775 G41+ICH7 CORE 271.32 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Advantech SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER ATOM - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Digi International COMPUTER SNGLBD BL2600 256K FLSH - I roto i te taonga
Advantech I.MX6 DC 1.0GHZ 174.23 I roto i te taonga
SolidRun SBC BASE CARRIER SOLO IMX6 106.392 I roto i te taonga
Advantech QUALCOMM APQ8016 QUAD CORE 1.2GH 291.27 I roto i te taonga
Advantech MINIITX LGA1150 214.13 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
VersaLogic Corporation SBC VORTEX 800 MHZ 256 MB 548 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Digi International COMPUTER SINGLE-BOARD 2CH BL1720 - I roto i te taonga
VersaLogic Corporation LIGER 2-CORE CPU, KABY LAKE, 4GB 2873.01 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

TechNexion PICO SOM NXP I.MX6 ULTRALITE 528 36.25 I roto i te taonga
Advantech LGA1156 XEON/ CORE I5/ I3/ PENTI 606.48 I roto i te taonga
Advantech SBC CELERON J1900 2.0GHZ SODIMM 302.5 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTEL ATOM N455 1G FLASH W/PHOEN 446.88 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTEL CELERON N2930 3.5" SBC 530.67 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTELATOM X5-E8000, 2GB MEM 242.06 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
SolidRun SBC PRO CARRIER WIFI/BT IMX6 - I roto i te taonga
VersaLogic Corporation EMBEDDED PROCESSING UNIT 2621.01 I roto i te taonga
Advantech SBC ATOM N450 1.66GHZ SODIMM - I roto i te taonga
Advantech SBC ATOM N450 1.66GHZ 1GB BUNDLE - I roto i te taonga
VersaLogic Corporation SWAP SYSTEM 1.6 GHZ, 1GB - I roto i te taonga
Advantech CIRC BRD C2D LGA775 MATX FSB1066 297.92 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Advantech DISPLAY TOUCH - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
VersaLogic Corporation COM MINI 1.0GHZ 1GB ET TEMP - I roto i te taonga
Advantech MOTHERBOARD ATOM D525 1.8GHZ 313.88 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
VersaLogic Corporation SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER 731 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Digi International COMPUTER SINGLE-BOARD LP3500 FOX - I roto i te taonga
VersaLogic Corporation HIGH PERFORMANCE INTEL CORE 2401.01 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

TechNexion PICO SOM NXP I.MX7 DUAL 1GHZ + 5 62.5 I roto i te taonga
Wandboard I.MX6UL BOARD 68.85 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTEL I5-7300U 2.6GHZ 2C 869.82 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Digi International COMPUTER SNGLBD BL2130 FRCTNLOCK - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
VersaLogic Corporation BENGAL BOARD QUAD CORE 1.91GHZ 971.25 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
VersaLogic Corporation SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER 1141.01 I roto i te taonga
Advantech ATOM N2600 1.6GHZ W/PLATINUM -40 553.28 I roto i te taonga
Advantech INTEL QM57 COM EXPRESS - I5-520E - I roto i te taonga
Advantech CIRCUIT MODULE D525 + NM10 MINI 185 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Digi International COMPUTER SINGLE-BOARD BL1820 - I roto i te taonga
Advantech EMB UTX-3117 N3350 W/4ANT/4G RAM 509.39 I roto i te taonga
SolidRun SBC BASE CARRIER SOLO IMX6 113.712 I roto i te taonga
VersaLogic Corporation HIGH PERFORMANCE INTEL CORE 2473.01 I roto i te taonga
Advantech TI AM3352 1.0GHZ 99.75 I roto i te taonga
UDOO UDOO NEO EXTND SBC 1GB RAM 63.69 I roto i te taonga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Whārangi whārangi : 28

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