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Te whakauru - Nga kaipupuri

65,465 Results

Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 28SSOP - I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology 64KB FLASH, 4KB RAM, 1KB EEPROM 1.514 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
NXP Semiconductors / Freescale IC MCU 32BIT 256KB FLASH 81BGA 12.156 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Cypress Semiconductor IC MCU 8BIT 16KB OTP 64QFP 17 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Cypress Semiconductor IC MCU 16BIT 64KB MROM 48LQFP 4.496 I roto i te taonga
Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 48KB FLASH 28SOIC 4.007 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
NXP Semiconductors / Freescale IC MCU 32BIT 256KB FLASH 80LQFP 12.71 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
NXP Semiconductors / Freescale IC MCU 8BIT 1.5KB FLASH 8SOIC - I roto i te taonga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 32BIT 512KB FLASH 144LQFP - I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology FLASH, 4KB RAM 1.751 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 256KB FLASH 64TQFP 7.37 I roto i te taonga
Energy Micro (Silicon Labs) IC MCU 32BIT 32KB FLASH 24QFN 1.36 I roto i te taonga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 64HWQFN - I roto i te taonga
NXP Semiconductors / Freescale IC MCU 16BIT 512KB FLASH 112LQFP 19.372 I roto i te taonga
STMicroelectronics IC MCU 32BIT 256KB FLASH 49WLCSP 2.639 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Cypress Semiconductor IC MCU 8BIT 32KB MROM 64QFP 17 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Nuvoton Technology Corporation America IC MCU 32BIT 16KB FLASH 48LQFP - I roto i te taonga
Energy Micro (Silicon Labs) IC MCU 8BIT 64KB FLASH 32QFP - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Nuvoton Technology Corporation America NUMICRO MINI51 SERIES OPERATES A 1.448 I roto i te taonga
Epson IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 100TQFP 4.01 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 32BIT 16KB FLASH 24VQFN 1.339 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28SOIC - I roto i te taonga
Cypress Semiconductor IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 48SSOP - I roto i te taonga
Cypress Semiconductor IC MCU 32BIT 384KB FLASH 120LQFP 18.13 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
STMicroelectronics IC MCU 32BIT 16KB FLASH 48LQFP 1.609 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Nuvoton Technology Corporation America IC MCU 32BIT 16KB FLASH 48LQFP - I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 3.5KB OTP 18DIP 3.129 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Cypress Semiconductor IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 7.677 I roto i te taonga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 64TFLGA - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 44PLCC 1.36 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 28QFN 2.565 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FLASH 28SDIP 2.307 I roto i te taonga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 32BIT 512KB FLASH 144LQFP - I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 32BIT 16KB FLASH 24VQFN 1.504 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH 64TQFP 5.078 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 16BIT 44LQFP - I roto i te taonga
International Rectifier (Infineon Technologies) IC MCU 16BIT 576KB FLASH 100LQFP - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 40DIP 5.871 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 128KB FLASH 44TQFP 1.7 I roto i te taonga
NXP Semiconductors / Freescale NXP 32-BIT MCU POWER ARCH CORE 12.342 I roto i te taonga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FLASH 80LQFP - I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Cypress Semiconductor IC MCU 32BIT 64KB FLASH 4.613 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 16BIT 52KB FLASH 85TFLGA 7.729 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Nuvoton Technology Corporation America NUMICRO NUC126 USB SERIES 2.981 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

NXP Semiconductors / Freescale NXP 32-BIT MCU POWER ARCH CORE 23.712 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Maxim Integrated IC MCU CORTEX M3 - I roto i te taonga
Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 100LQFP 7.808 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Luminary Micro / Texas Instruments IC MCU 16BIT 16KB FLASH 20DIP 1.321 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Luminary Micro / Texas Instruments IC MCU 16BIT 32KB FRAM 64LQFP 2.612 I roto i te taonga
Micrel / Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 20DIP 2.039 I roto i te taonga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Whārangi whārangi : 1310

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