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Na roto i nga Kaihanga Hole

351,025 Results

Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Stackpole Electronics, Inc. RES 82 OHM 3W 5% AXIAL 0.107 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 0.27 OHM 10W 5% AXIAL 0.272 I roto i te taonga
Vishay Precision Group RES 70K OHM 1% 0.3W RADIAL 15.55 I roto i te taonga
Electro-Films (EFI) / Vishay RES 15 OHM 3W 5% AXIAL - I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 24.9 OHM 5W 1% WW AXIAL 5.45 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 556 OHM 1/8W .1% AXIAL 1.062 I roto i te taonga
Yageo RES MF 1/6W 1% AXIAL 0.009 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 750K OHM 1% 1/2W AXIAL 3.463 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 3.3 OHM 1W 5% AXIAL 0.086 I roto i te taonga
Yageo RES 5.6 OHM 1/4W 1% AXIAL - I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 1.91K OHM 1/8W 1% AXIAL 1.427 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Stackpole Electronics, Inc. RES 180 OHM 2W 5% AXIAL 0.032 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 150 OHM 2% 1/8W AXIAL 1.538 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 80.6 OHM 3W 1% WW AXIAL 3.288 I roto i te taonga
Yageo RES MF 1W 5% AXIAL 0.022 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 8.85 OHM 5W 1% WW AXIAL 3.988 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Stackpole Electronics, Inc. RES 9.09K OHM 1/4W .1% AXIAL 0.18 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 42.1 OHM 1W 1% WW AXIAL 2.974 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 191K OHM 1% 1/4W AXIAL 0.295 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 32 OHM 1/10W .1% AXIAL 5.325 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 332 OHM 7W 1% WW AXIAL 9.213 I roto i te taonga
Vishay Precision Group RES 560 OHM 1W 0.1% AXIAL 11.756 I roto i te taonga
Electro-Films (EFI) / Vishay RES 6.19K OHM 0.6W 0.5% AXIAL 0.076 I roto i te taonga
Yageo RES MF 1W 1% AXIAL 0.036 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Stackpole Electronics, Inc. RES 360 OHM 1/4W 5% AXIAL 0.108 I roto i te taonga
Vishay Precision Group RES 9.854K OHM 1/2W 0.05% RADIAL 10.168 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 0.5 OHM 1W 5% AXIAL 6.2 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 7.87 OHM 7W 1% WW AXIAL 11.042 I roto i te taonga
Vishay Precision Group RES 1.45K OHM 0.6W 0.02% RADIAL 9.126 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 12.3K OHM 1/8W .1% AXIAL 2.797 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Dale / Vishay RES 2.94K OHM 1/4W 1% AXIAL 0.181 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 3.3K OHM 1/2W 2% AXIAL 0.069 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 66K OHM 13W 10% AXIAL 1.196 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 3.32K OHM 1/10W .1% AXIAL 1.784 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 35.2 OHM 2W 0.1% WW AXIAL 18.688 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 249K OHM 1/4W 1% AXIAL 1.872 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Ohmite RES 40K OHM 10W 1% AXIAL 2.096 I roto i te taonga
Yageo RES MF 2W 0.5% AXIAL 0.066 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Stackpole Electronics, Inc. RES 10M OHM 1/4W 5% AXIAL 0.057 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 25.5K OHM 1/4W .1% AXIAL 0.827 I roto i te taonga
Yageo RES METAL OXIDE 1/4W 5% AXIAL 0.014 I roto i te taonga
Yageo RES MF 3W 1% AXIAL 0.04 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 11.1K OHM 1/10W .1% AXIAL 4.438 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Dale / Vishay RES 215 OHM 1/8W 1% AXIAL 0.756 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 4.7K OHM 1/2W 2% AXIAL 1.23 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 505 OHM 1/8W .5% AXIAL 0.855 I roto i te taonga
Dale / Vishay RES 174K OHM 1/2W 0.1% AXIAL 0.324 I roto i te taonga
Electro-Films (EFI) / Vishay RES 59K OHM 0.4W 1% AXIAL 0.026 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
Dale / Vishay RES 27K OHM 13W 5% AXIAL 1.007 I roto i te taonga

Rohs Compliant

Pepa Raraunga
AMP Connectors / TE Connectivity RES 220 OHM 1/2W 5% AXIAL 0.134 I roto i te taonga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Wāhi # Kaihanga Whakaahuatanga Utu Maha Wāteatanga
Whārangi whārangi : 7021

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